1. 2 Stupid Dogs

Why we should talk about it: Because it was so damn weird and quirky.

2. Cow and Chicken

Why we should talk about it: Because, again, WEIRD. AND. QUIRKY. Wins everytime.

3. I Am Weasel

Why we should talk about it: Because the character design was amazing and even Red Guy from Cow & Chicken became a main character on both shows. And it's a win whenever he appears on anything.

4. Aaahh!!! Real Monsters

Why we should talk about it: Because there aren't enough cartoons that cater to the kids with a darker sense of humor.

5. The Mask: Animated Series

Why we should talk about it: Because Jim Carrey's roll in The Mask was well, animated. And having an animated series is all too fitting.

6. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Why we should talk about it: Once again, Jim Carrey is a real life cartoon. Any animated adaptation of a role he played is gold.

7. Hammerman

Why we should talk about it: Because MC Hammer had his own fucking cartoon!! That reason alone is enough to talk about it.

8. The Addams Family

Why we should talk about it: Because even the creepiest of families are adorable, even if they are a bit, "different."

9. Sonic The Hedgehog

Why we should talk about it: Because two seasons is nowhere near enough for this gem! And Jaleel White was the perfect voice for Sonic.

10. All Dogs Go To Heaven: The Series

Why we should talk about it: Because you got to see what their "heavenly" ever after looked like. And the songs are still infectious.

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