Very little is known about the Japanese artist who calls himself avogado6. All we know is that he is very fond of chemistry and his profile photo is a portrait of the famous Italian scientist Avogadro. However, boring formulas are nowhere to be found in the works of this mysterious illustrator — only vivid pictures in which human feelings are shown in a very comprehensible manner. Many of these feelings are difficult to describe in words and that’s why the works of this artist are worth taking a look at.

More Info: Avogado6

1. When you are trying to save what should stay in the past:

2. Silence:

3. Sometimes you just want to spread like butter on bread.

4. Tired. Worn out.

5. Time has no mercy.

6. I’m completely fine!

7. Unbearable fragility

8. When you run out of power:

9. When you’re stuck:

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