Before these Disney characters enroll in college, they must first survive high school prom. California-based character and concept designer Kathryn Hudson created a unique series about Disney characters going to prom night that are truly magical. Famous Disney icons like Ariel, Peter Pan, and Quasimodo all dawn the matching corsage and boutonniere flower arrangements to make memories that'll last a lifetime.

The whole prom experience is supposed to be the happiest time in most young teenage hearts. Imagining someone like Sleeping Beauty having to go through the trial and tribulations of a High School dance floor would be amazing, to say the least. That's one Disney movie I definitely wouldn't want to miss! I can already see it now! The movie would feature multiple Disney Icons fighting for the right to be called prom queen and king. Scroll below to view Kathryn's beautiful series on Disneys characters at the prom.

More info: Instagram | Deviantart |

#1. Eric and Ariel - The Little Mermaid

via: Kat Hudson

#2. Aladdin and Jasmine - Aladdin

via: Kat Hudson

Comment from Artist: “Aladdin and Jasmine at Prom. Jasmine is the little rich girl always disobeying daddy's rules, but the really is a sweetie. She met Aladdin while volunteering at a local soup kitchen. She just doesn't know Aladdin wasn't there to volunteer.”

#3. Jane and Tarzan - Tarzan

via: Kat Hudson

Comment from Artist: “Art student and science club member Jane Porter is asked to the Prom by the new foreign exchange student. Careful Jane! He's still learning the customs.”

#4. Quasimodo and Esmeralda - The Hunchback of Notre Dame

via: Kat Hudson

Comment from Artist: “I know Esmeralda ends up with Phoebus, but I figure he's a stand up guy. Maybe he went out to the levee drinking with his buds and let Esmeralda show Quasi a good time at prom”

#5. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves - Snow White

via: Kat Hudson

Comment from Artist: “I can think of no plausible scenario where a girl would roll up into prom with a posse of seven midgets, but that's how Snow White throws down.”

#6. Phillip and Aurora - Sleeping Beauty

via: Kat Hudson

Comment from Artist: “The tree design is not mine, got it from a brush pack on deviant, can't remember artist.”

#7. Peter and Wendy - Peter Pan

via: Kat Hudson

Comment from Artist: “I know Peter never grows up and therefore it wouldn't be "right" at Prom, but this is fanart, dammit!"

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