Have you ever sat back and thought about the incredible life lessons that Disney movies have taught us? From how to be an excellent friend to pushing past our inner boundaries, Disney movies show us how to live our best lives and be our very best selves. Disney has also taught us many valuable tips we may have never thought of, such as why buy a brush when you can use a fork, how to make a happy breakfast, or ways to save money.

However, you sometimes see many things in movies or shows that don't make sense, even from a cartoon perspective. If you look back and remember all the Disney movies and shows you have seen, you will find many life hacks that we think you can use! Check some secret life hacks Disney movies taught us below.

#1 Cinderella Shows That A Young Woman Can Be Both Graceful And Poised When She Carries Things On Top Of Her Head

#2 A Happy Breakfast Can Fix Everything

#3 Lock Up Your Valuables

#4 Put Your Name On Your Clothes So People Know Who's It Is

#5 You Can Have A Brand New Dress Through Transforming Your Vintage Curtains

#6 Staying Busy Can Help Boredom

#7 You Can Have A Fun Journey By Purchasing Helium Tanks

#8 Always Have A To-Do List

#9 Dogs Make Great Nannies

#10 Keep Old Things

#11 Using A Spinning Tray Helps The Seasoning Process

#12 Use A Pal's Butt To Make Fun (And Functional) Wall Art

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