If you were alive and thriving during the summers of 2006 to 2008, you’ve surely seen (and terribly miss!) the Disney Channel Games.
ICYMI: Disney Channel stars of the time teamed up and competed against one another in a series of ~extreme~ sports to earn money for charity and win the coveted Disney Channel Games Cup.
1. The entire thing was commentated by Phil Lewis and Brian Stepanek, aka Mr. Moseby and Arwin Hawkhauser.
2. All of your faves were fetuses:
3. Okay but Jason Earles was literally 35 years old:
4. It got weird at times and you had no idea what was going on:
“I’m Kyle Massey and I’m a victim of Controller Hand-Freeze Disease.”
5. We could collect trading cards and download them from DisneyChannelGames.com: