So what does he do to reverse that curse? He abducts a woman and holds her hostage until she falls in love with him. Messed up!

And then we have the enchanted objects — Lumière, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts — and yes, even Chip. They're all assholes.

If they REALLY cared about Belle, they would let her escape. Instead, they trick an innocent woman into falling in love with a monster-man, so they can be freed from a curse. Do these people have no moral compass?

Next up is Maurice. Yup, asshole!

Maurice started this whole thing by trespassing on private property. That's breaking and entering, dude!

Also, some believe Maurice is responsible for his wife's untimely death:

And finally, we have the villains. Needless to say, they're all assholes. Gaston is a sexist pig, Le Fou is complicit as well, yada yada. This one's obvious.

Listen, We love Beauty and the Beast as much as the next person. But every single character in this film needs to take a long, hard look in that magic mirror. THEY'RE ALL ASSHOLES.

Except for the stepstool-dog. He's cool. He can stay.

(Source: Buzzfeed)

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